Team TSB Member Tonya Thompson and Pumpkin Show


Team TSB Member Tonya Thompson and Pumpkin Show

Team TSB Member Tonya Thompson and Pumpkin Show

                As a Circleville native, Tonya Thompson has seen her fair share of Circleville Pumpkin Shows. For many years, she has been a part of the Pumpkin Show as a visitor, a trustee, and as a volunteer. This year, we wanted to catch up with her and see what she has in store for us at the 2024 Pumpkin Show.

                While you will also be able to catch up with Tonya at the Fruits and Veggies competition, Tonya will be dedicating an entire day to the Queen for a Day program. As a former member of the Queens Court in 1982, Tonya has fond memories of the program, and she says that is why she loves being involved in it. With all the hustle and bustle the Queens Court faces before, during, and after the official competition, Tonya says that Queen for a Day allows the Court to slow down and enjoy more of the Show.

                Even though Tonya describes Queen for a Day as the girls’ chance to relax after the stress of the Miss Pumpkin Show contest, there is still a jam-packed day for the girls on Friday. Tonya says that it is her job to make sure the girls get to have fun, but also keep moving. She describes how the girls start the day at 9 a.m. before the Show even opens. The girls are followed by a photographer as they make their way through the Show. They visit Lindsey’s and see the giant pumpkin pie and visit the great pumpkin display at the center of the show, and they even participate in some of the carnival games. All six members of the court are taken from place to place by volunteers like Tonya to make sure they have the most fun and see as much as possible!

                On a personal level, Tonya describes how her love of the Show started when she was a child growing up right in the middle of it. She describes how she used to walk to the show and spend as much time as possible there. Over the years, her role with the Show has evolved. She became a trustee and started out with the Canned Goods Competition before moving to be a trustee of the Fruits and Veggies, as well as helping with Queen for a Day. Furthermore, she says that her favorite part of the Show has always been the parades. The Parade of Bands holds a special place in her heart, and she cannot wait for it again this year!

                Thank you, Tonya, for speaking with us about your experiences and contributions to the Circleville Pumpkin Show. We hope everyone has a great Show and stays safe!

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